ᤀᤡᤱᤛᤢᤔ INGSUM [power/energy]
Ingsum can accomodate 20 people and is known for its extreme speed and agility. Like the mothership above, Ingsum can travel in different timelines and is the pride of Misam Space Agency

Ladhamba Tayem; Future Continuous
It is a full moon night. Sabha Dovan, a confluence of Arun river and Sabha river is shrouded in moonlight and the sound of two rivers. Dazed and confused, a warrior is standing by himself on the river bank. The moonlight seems something different tonight but he cannot tell how. All of a sudden, he is blinded by bright lights. A few seconds later follows a strange deep thud, he is disoriented. He tries to run back to the woods but then bizarre floating objects appear overhead. He covers his ears and closes his eyes in shock, takes a deep breath, and then, he wakes up.
It is spring night of 1774, there’s a gentle breeze and the full moon is on the way to zenith. Thinking about the dream, the warrior walks out to the river bank. Out in the distance, he sees a person standing on the river bank wearing something very different, a white clothing which looked as if it was glowing in moonlight. He reaches for his pheja [khukuri] but spontaneously decides not to unsheathe. It’s the time of great crisis and caution; the colonial army is getting closer everyday but he is somehow sure that it cannot be one of them for they would not dare to come alone at this hour. Also that ‘beautiful cloth! it cannot be those losers’ he mumbles. He slowly approaches the figure, and just when he is a couple of metres away, the time traveller bows with hands pressed together and greets, “Sewaro!”, the time traveller speaks in the warrior’s mother tongue, “I was waiting for you. Please accept my sincere gratitude.”

At the confluence of past and future
“I had a strange dream within a stranger dream earlier.
Lights… two big birds without wings, its body looked like a big tholi actually…” Kangsore looks up in the sky.“Maybe it was not a dream, you see” the time traveller smiles.
(Arun and Sabha river)

To the stars and beyond. . “Every time I get a new mission, its my mother who’s more excited than me, she would go through every line of my mission schedule, ask me about troubleshooting mechanisms, what would I do in so and so situation? Why would I do it and on and on. She would even demand me to send updates and esp images every two days as if she is a chief mission controller. 🤦🏽♀️. She would prepare foods I like most, freeze it, vacuum pack it and label it. This time I would be gone for much longer and I could see sadness behind her excited face for she knows only too well about not hearing from dear ones lost in mission.” . . Memories of the future.

excerpt ongoing project Ningwasum 2021

animation from ongoing film project ‘Ningwasum’



Thakthakma, screenshots of animation from ongoing project

Yalung glacier, Kanchenjunga, 2017. (audio/video recording) https://youtu.be/sxGC0hX_u5o

Enamel and Acrylic on Canvas
200 X 150 cm approx
Tanrı’ya dair hiçbir imaj yaratmayın. Tanrı’nın verdiği imgeleri kabul edin. Onlar her yerde, her şeydedir. Tanrı Değiştir – Tohumdan Ağaca, ağactan ormana; Yağmurdan nehire, nehirden denize…
Create no images of God. Accept the images that God has provided. They are everywhere, in everything. God is Change— Seed to tree, tree to forest; Rain to river, river to sea…
– Octavia E. Butler
Glacial Lakes

The three paintings, Imja, Lumding and Thulagi are named after the glacial lake in Nepal which are potentially dangerous. The climate change is making huge changes in the Himalayan region of Nepal. The archival satellite image from the 60s and the study done in 2009 shows, expansion of many glacial lake in the region, and 20 are listed as potentially dangerous (including the three above) by ICIMOD, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. The paintings uses satellite photographic image as a resource and the red line indicates the expansion of the lakes in time. These works explore the theme of climate change and its impact on Himalayan communities, that played no part in initiating it.

Many Worlds

Dark Fields

Dark Matter


Kafala is visa sponsorship system in gulf states including Qatar, “where a worker’s visa and legal status is tied to her employer. This system creates a profound power imbalance between employers and workers and imposes tight restrictions on migrant workers’ rights.” (HRW, 2014)
Thousands of Nepalese migrant workers leave for UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia every year. After 2013 shocking revealation of migrant workers death in Qatar, there was a huge outcry from all international communities against poor treatment and slavey like conditions of workers in the Middle East.
Although Qatar recently abolished the exit visa requirement in January 2020, which was a part of Kafala system, it still has all other parts of the system leaving workers vulnerable to exploitation.